India’s Top 20 Leviathans’ Awe-inspiring Dominance
The top 20 profit generators in India (“the Leviathans”) now account for 90% of the country’s corporate profits. Beyond dominating the country’s profit pool, the Leviathans also reinvest these profits far more efficiently back into their businesses. By doing this over the last 25 years, the Leviathans have also widened the RoE gap between them […]
What happened after a boxer, a revolutionary, a singer and a football star met in a 1960s hotel room
Earlier this month, several Indian celebrities were criticised for tweeting what seemed like paraphrased messages around why outsiders shouldn’t meddle in India’s matters (in this case the farmer protests). This has triggered a debate around the role and responsibility if any, of celebrities in influencing public opinion on critical social and political issues. In recent […]
Why Immigration Drives Innovation
Research is increasingly demonstrating the benefits of diversity within a team or an organisation, particularly when it comes to creativity and innovation. This piece in Evonomics by Prof Joseph Henrich at Harvard University, applies the concept at the economy level relating immigration and its benefits to the economy. Henrich cites studies which showed significant drop […]
The Science of Reasoning With Unreasonable People
Most of us would have had bitter experiences debating sensitive social and political issues with our friends only to realise that far from convincing each other, we’ve adversely affected our relationship. This piece in The NY Times is an adaptation from Adam Grant’s new book “Think Again”. Grant, an organisational psychologist at The Wharton School, talks […]
Podcast with Nir Eyal: Mastering Indistraction
The Social Dilemma, a docudrama on Netflix, stirred many a mind on the perils of social media and cellphone addiction on various aspects of our lives including family dysfunctionality and impeding our ability to form independent opinions about social and political issues. As the chorus against technology builds up, several people are abandoning tech or attempting […]
Running From the Pain
This is an interesting case study about how the financial incentives that doctors across the world face has a major impact on the treatments they prescribe to their patients. “In clinical studies, regular aerobic exercise is as effective as antidepressants in reducing symptoms of mild to moderate depression. And that’s not just because moving might help […]
How CMC Vellore Dealt With Shifting Evidence During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Independent thought in any profession is hard to build and even harder to sustain especially in a world where social media reinforces consensus opinion on complicated subjects like medicine, politics, gender, etc. In India, the Christian Medical College Vellore (CMC Vellore) has for a long time been regarded as one of the country’s most distinguished […]
Indian Financials: The antithesis of traditional value investing
For investors with a time horizon of greater than 5 years, less than 20% of the share price returns of Indian banks and NBFCs are attributable to entry valuation implying that over 80%+ of returns arise from book value per share growth. However, the proliferation of price to book (P/B) multiples in investment literature along […]
Is there a perfect way to stretch?
Most of us during our school and college days were taught that before you do strenuous exercise, you need to stretch. However, it turns out that how you stretch – before, during and after exercise – is quite important. More to the important, the typical middle-aged man’s stretch – the static stretch – is apparently […]
Don’t Underestimate the Power of a Walk
If you are missing out on your running because your knees are giving way or you are missing out on your tennis game because of that sore back, try walking. Says this article by Deborah Riegel in the HBR, that walking has more to it than just keeping yourself active and getting those 10,000 steps […]
Interview with Howard Marks: The Biggest Risk Is Rising Interest Rates
After his remarkable memo last month about the blurring lines between value and growth investing, the legendary investor and Chairman of Oaktree capital, shares his insights about the macro situation globally in this interview with The Market. Like always, there are some nuggets of wisdom for all of us. Whilst helping us understand the current […]
The Battery Is Ready to Power the World
The other long read about Elon Musk we feature this week is about the very source of his fortune – batteries that power his cars, not quite as exciting as cryptos. Musk capitalised on the breakthrough in battery technology which allows lowering the cost of electric powered vehicles whilst saving the planet from the emissions […]
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