Consistent Compounders

Short read: Bill Gates Isn’t Like Those Other Tech Billionaires

The remarkable part of the recent US Presidential elections was how Silicon Valley billionaires who have historically backed the Democrats turned to back Donald Trump. “I always thought of Silicon Valley as being left of center,” Mr. Gates said. “The fact that now there is a significant right-of-center group is a surprise to me.” Bill […]

Feb 03 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Short read: Has DeepSeek popped the AI bubble?

We have featured articles from Louis-Vincent Gave who has been bullish about Chinese economic and technological progress to balance the generally negative narrative from western media. It is only appropriate we feature his piece on DeepSeek, the Chinese AI company which stunned the world by showcasing its AI model reportedly built on meagre resources, yet […]

Feb 03 . 5 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Short read: The Caterpillars That Can Kill You

We were taught in primary school that caterpillars – the wriggly worms covered in spiky fur – become beautiful butterflies. Whilst caterpillars enjoy a pretty good reputation (think Eric Caroll and ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’), they are far more dangerous than you might imagine. Bob Holmes informs us that: “The world turns out to be home […]

Feb 03 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Long read: Signature moves: are we losing the ability to write by hand?

A couple of months ago, we featured a piece which talked about a new study which showed writing or drawing by hand as opposed to typing or using a computer involves more activity in the brain and hence has cognitive benefits. Now, a new book The Extinction of Experience: Reclaiming Our Humanity in a Digital World, extends that logic to […]

Feb 03 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Long read: Women farmers transform agriculture with organic revolution and indigenous crops

Chapter 4 of Marcellus’ bestselling book, Behold the Leviathan: The Unusual Rise of Modern India : Mukherjea, Saurabh, Rajhansa, Nandita: Books , discusses the rise of Indian women, why they are increasingly better educated than men and increasingly wealthier than Indian men. This article in the Statesman highlights how women farmers are transforming agriculture […]

Feb 03 . 5 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Long read: The Chicken’s Neck: Decoding the blessing and bane of India’s critical borderland

Occasionally during our travels, we encounter soldiers who have served or are serving in the ‘Chicken’s Neck’ i.e. that very thin strip of Indian land in the state of Bengal which links the rump of mainland India with its breathtakingly beautiful, resource rich and strategically important North-East. In fact, the Chicken’s Neck is a 60-kilometre […]

Feb 03 . 5 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Short read: Can you breathe stress away?

“Take a deep breath” is what is said to someone who is losing it or anxious. Does it really help? Empirically most of us would agree it does. But is there scientific evidence for the same and do we understand how exactly the human body reacts to controlled breathing and stress relief? Apparently, now we […]

Jan 27 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Short read: The Stock Market Is Both a Voting and Weighing Machine

As an investment professional, the most often question you get asked by social acquaintances and business channel anchors alike is ‘where are markets headed?’ despite plenty of evidence that it is futile to predict stock prices in the short run. Here’s a blog that shows that not only is it impossible to predict stock prices, […]

Jan 27 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Short read: India’s middle class left stranded in a political muddle

It is well understood now that India’s middle class is suffering (see, for example, our blog: As columnist and best-selling author says in this piece in the New Indian Express: “The middle class is stranded in a political muddle between oligarchs extracting rent and parties wrenching rent for votes.” However, an even more interesting […]

Jan 27 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Long read: Artificial intelligence could transform football. So what might the future look like?

In recent years, The Athletic (now owned by NYT) has become a go-to site for sports fans globally for its very differentiated feature pieces on all things sport than just coverage of the action. Such as this piece on how AI could possibly shape the future of football. AI is becoming ubiquitous across many fields […]

Jan 27 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Long read: The story of how one family from Maharashtra built a thriving Hindustani music scene in Kanpur

In India we tend to be fond of regional stereotypes eg. the martial Sikh, the intellectual Bengali, the cunning Marwari, etc. And yet the most impactful Indians break free not just of their geographic origins, they also break free of whatever cultural stereotypes we might associate with them. In doing so, they profoundly influence the […]

Jan 27 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Long read: How Rajaraja Chola became the world’s richest king

If you have not yet been to the Brihadishvara Temple at Thanjavur, we would very strongly recommend a visit at the soonest to see one of India’s most magnificent temples. If you go on a moonlight night, the temple looks even more majestic. And if you can pull strings and see the 1500-year old paintings […]

Jan 27 . 5 MIN READ

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