Regulatory Details

Complete name of entity registered with SEBI as Portfolio Manager

Marcellus Investment Managers Private Limited

Type of Registration (Individual, Non-Individual)


For PMS Registration


Corporate Identification Number


Registered Address

102, First Floor, Boston House, Suren Road,
Near ‘Western Express Highway’ Metro Station,
Andheri East, Mumbai 400093, India
+91 (0) 22 4880 9929/918

Corresponding SEBI regional/local office address

Securities & Exchange Board of India
(‘SEBI’), SEBI Bhavan, Plot No. C4-A “G”
Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai

Complete name of entity registered with SEBI as Portfolio Manager

Entity name – Marcellus Investment Managers Private Limited as registered with International Financial Services Centres Authority (‘IFSCA’) as a Fund Management Entity (‘FME’).

Type of Registration (Individual, Non-Individual)


For PMS Registration

Yes, For rendering Portfolio Managers Services

Corporate Identification Number

Not Applicable
Registration number under IFSCA – IFSCA/FME/IV/037/2022-23.

Corporate Address

102, First Floor, Boston House, Suren Road,
Near ‘Western Express Highway’ Metro Station,
Andheri East, Mumbai 400093, India
+91 (0) 22 4880 9929/918

Registered office address

102, First Floor, Boston House, Suren Road,
Near ‘Western Express Highway’ Metro Station,
Andheri East, Mumbai 400093, India
+91 (0) 22 4880 9929/918

Corresponding SEBI regional/local office address

GIFT Branch address:
Unit no. 419,420,421, Cabin No.6, Pragya Towers, Block 15, Zone 1, GIFT SEZ, GIFT City, Gandhinagar 382355

Contact Details

Principal Officer:

Saurabh Mukherjea

Contact No.:

+91 (0) 22 4880 9929

Email Id:

For Investor Queries

For Investor grievances

In case you are not satisfied with the redressal, you can lodge a complaint atSCORES

Online Dispute Resolution

Download Documents

  • Investor Awareness
  • Stewardship (AIF Business)
  • Conflict of Interest Policy
  • Grievance Redressal Policy
  • Marcellus Code of Conduct
  • Investor Charter PMS
  • Investor Charter for AIF Marcellus
  • Investor Complaint Status PMS
  • Investor Complaint Status AIF
  • Annual returns
  • Annual General Meeting
  • SOP for Centralized mechanism
    for reporting the demise of an investor
    • SOP for Centralized mechanism for reporting the demise of an investor

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