The fight against climate change with adoption of clean energy has accelerated over the past decade with significant drop in costs of among others, solar, wind and hydrogen fuel technology. But news from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology earlier this week about a significant breakthrough in fusion energy technology, arguably the cleanest of them all, brightens hopes of saving the planet. The article starts off with explaining fusion energy for us laymen and then goes onto satiate the nerds with a lot of scientific detail about the breakthrough. Simply put, fusion energy is how the Sun (and all stars) produce energy and mankind has been working on replicating this on earth for decades. However, the small problem is we still haven’t found a material that can withstand the high temperatures involved. This breakthrough is not about finding the material – researchers at MIT have discovered a magnetic technology that can produce strong enough magnetic fields to hold the fusion material (plasma) suspended without touching any surface. Ofcourse, as the article says, there is still a lot of work to be done to commercialise this (though likely to become reality in less than five years) but fascinating enough to know how human endeavour can solve problems we ourselves created. More importantly this could further accelerate the bankruptcy of conventional power assets as highlighted in a piece earlier here:
“Fusion in a lot of ways is the ultimate clean energy source,” says Maria Zuber, MIT’s vice president for research and E. A. Griswold Professor of Geophysics. “The amount of power that is available is really game-changing.” The fuel used to create fusion energy comes from water, and “the Earth is full of water — it’s a nearly unlimited resource. We just have to figure out how to utilize it.”
…Fusion is the process that powers the sun: the merger of two small atoms to make a larger one, releasing prodigious amounts of energy. But the process requires temperatures far beyond what any solid material could withstand. To capture the sun’s power source here on Earth, what’s needed is a way of capturing and containing something that hot — 100,000,000 degrees or more — by suspending it in a way that prevents it from coming into contact with anything solid.
That’s done through intense magnetic fields, which form a kind of invisible bottle to contain the hot swirling soup of protons and electrons, called a plasma. Because the particles have an electric charge, they are strongly controlled by the magnetic fields, and the most widely used configuration for containing them is a donut-shaped device called a tokamak. Most of these devices have produced their magnetic fields using conventional electromagnets made of copper, but the latest and largest version under construction in France, called ITER, uses what are known as low-temperature superconductors.
The major innovation in the MIT-CFS fusion design is the use of high-temperature superconductors, which enable a much stronger magnetic field in a smaller space. This design was made possible by a new kind of superconducting material that became commercially available a few years ago. The idea initially arose as a class project in a nuclear engineering class taught by Whyte. The idea seemed so promising that it continued to be developed over the next few iterations of that class, leading to the ARC power plant design concept in early 2015. SPARC, designed to be about half the size of ARC, is a testbed to prove the concept before construction of the full-size, power-producing plant.
Until now, the only way to achieve the colossally powerful magnetic fields needed to create a magnetic “bottle” capable of containing plasma heated up to hundreds of millions of degrees was to make them larger and larger. But the new high-temperature superconductor material, made in the form of a flat, ribbon-like tape, makes it possible to achieve a higher magnetic field in a smaller device, equaling the performance that would be achieved in an apparatus 40 times larger in volume using conventional low-temperature superconducting magnets. That leap in power versus size is the key element in ARC’s revolutionary design.”


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