Consistent Compounders

The Rage of Carson Block

The Reddit-Gamestop saga earlier this year reminded us how short sellers are often frowned upon as if they were up to something immoral if not illegal. But here’s a story about one short seller who on the contrary sees short selling as a way to change the world for the better. Carson Block may not […]

Apr 25 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Don’t pick up! The rise and fall of a massive industry based on missed calls

Every week we get inquiries from our clients as to why we don’t set up a tech fund or invest in more tech stocks. This long essay on how even basic technology such as mobile phone calls change in the space of 20 years will help tech enthusiasts understand our stance on tech stocks – […]

Apr 25 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Interview: ‘Remdesivir doesn’t save lives – but desperate families demand that doctors prescribe it’

Fear and panic trigger irrational behaviour. Truth be told those of us who earn a living in the financial markets basically train ourselves to thrive when others are panicking. It is in that context that we become hyper-sensitive to signs of fear and panic in the society that we live in. The tragic panic-stricken rush […]

Apr 25 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Four Economics Books for Building Mental Muscle

“The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed, the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.”– John Maynard Keynes, […]

Apr 24 . 12 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Simplifying Life Insurance and why we hold HDFC Life

Life Insurance works on the concept of pooling of risk where policyholders come together and pool small amounts of money (premium) to cover those who might need the money in the event of a death or a debilitating disease. This premium paid by policyholders is invested to pay for claims which might arise in the […]

Apr 18 . 9 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Napping in the afternoon can improve memory and alertness – here’s why

It is a tradition in many societies to have an afternoon nap, most popularised by the Spanish Siesta. Psychology scholars John Axelsson and Tina Sundelin, in this article, highlight recent studies around the benefits of mid-day naps not just in terms of recharging our mental batteries but also long term cognitive benefits. As the authors […]

Apr 18 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The rice of the sea: how a tiny grain could change the way humanity eats

Experts have been warning about an impending food crisis globally as food production struggles to catch up with population growth especially within the constraints of climate change and hence limitation of arable land. In that light, this little discovery of a grain that grows in seawater brightens prospects of food security. The discovery was made […]

Apr 18 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The cross-border pitfalls of ‘working from anywhere’

Whilst ‘Work From Home’ has presented to workers and employers alike both benefits and challenges, many of which have been featured in articles on the subject here in the 3L&3S, this piece extends the concept to ‘work from anywhere’. If containerisation of global shipping drove globalisation in manufacturing and the advent of the internet drove […]

Apr 18 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

How People Get Rich Now

Growing wealth inequality is a commonly accepted social issue that is plaguing the world. Some ascribe that to poor governance on the part of our lawmakers whereas some others point to the low interest rates which has driven financial asset inflation which makes the rich richer and doesn’t particularly benefit the poor. Paul Graham, a computer […]

Apr 18 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Why animals don’t get lost

The New Yorker is where Pullitzer Prize winning writers like Ms Schulz congregate to bring to you the world’s best writing as evidenced by this piece. How are birds & animals able to travel over long distances – thousands of miles in the case of migratory birds, hundreds of miles in the case of animals […]

Apr 18 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Columbia University students interview John Huber of Saber Capital Management

We found this interview with an American fund manager, John Huber, in a newsletter published by the students of Columbia Business School. In this piece, Mr Huber talks about his training & evolution as an investor and his investment philosophy. The piece is interesting because it reinforces learnings on three subjects that we spend a […]

Apr 18 . 6 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Why Indian corporates need to start investing in autistic talent

The 3L&3S has in the past featured pieces on the importance of diversity in teams at the workplace not just from an inclusion perspective but also in terms of bringing fresh insight and creativity to problem solving. Whilst we usually think about gender, race, religion, here’s a piece by Gopika Kapoor on how the differently […]

Apr 11 . 2 MIN READ

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