Consistent Compounders

How Peaceful Crowds Turn Into a Deadly Crush

The recent crowd tragedy where more than 150 people died at a Halloween get together in Seoul following similar recent disasters in Indonesia and Houston have prompted the need for authorities to factor in the inherent risks in crowding and manage these events better. The WIRED features Martyn Amos, a professor at Northumbria University who […]

Nov 13 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Do nothing dammit

A month ago, Anand Sridharan of Nalanda Capital wrote a lovely blog about how the term ‘value investor’ has been misused and why they would rather call themselves a ‘Business Owner’. Whilst many would think that is easier said than done, Anand has followed up with another brilliant piece about how the ‘Business Owner’ mindset helped the […]

Nov 13 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Data goes private

In this succinct edit piece for the Business Standard, TN Ninan makes a very astute observation. He highlights that over the past few years, for a variety of reasons – Covid, political meddling, etc – macroeconomic data made available by the Government of India has become more sporadic and less reliable. This has created a […]

Nov 13 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

I spent 10 days in a secret Chinese Covid detention centre

China’s Zero-Covid policy has received much criticism elsewhere when the rest of the world has learnt to live with it whilst China is taking the unique route to fighting it despite claiming to be 90% vaccinated. But how exactly is this Zero-Covid policy being implemented. Here’s a first-hand account from a Financial Times Shanghai Correspondent […]

Nov 13 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

That Reusable Trader Joe’s Bag? It’s Rescuing an Indian Industry

When we visit the US on work, we do a tour of American supermarkets to understand how modern retail could evolve in India. One of the shops we frequent is Trader Joe’s because it offers a curated collection of food and condiments from across the world. In this piece, NY times journalist Sameer Yasir, describes […]

Nov 13 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Lessons from the Rise and Fall

When Jack Welch handed charge of GE to Jeff Immelt in 2001, GE’s share price was $480. Today it is $80. Immelt, who was sacked in 2017 after destroying 80% of its shareholder value, claims that Welch handed him a “bag of shit”. Several commentators disagree – they see Immelt as the primary protagonist in […]

Nov 13 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Educated, Employed, and Empowered: The Rise of Indian Women

As India reaps the benefits of a decade long infra build and economic reform journey, Indian women – more than Indian men – are emerging as gamechangers. The rapid growth of a Service-oriented economy, the spread of affordable education, and the mushrooming of smartphones and social media have helped Indian women rise more rapidly over […]

Nov 09 . 12 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The end of Apple’s affair with China

One of the most frequently used buzzwords in business and political circles these days is deglobalisation. The end of an era as highlighted in one of the features from last week, referring to the end of four decades of globalisation when China emerged as the factory to the world, is best epitomised by this piece […]

Nov 06 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

China’s Economy will not overtake the US until 2060, if ever

As China continues scoring own goals month after month, both, on the political front (with a megalomaniac in charge who is purging anybody opposed to him) and on the Covid front (with the country’s never ending lockdowns), a host of commentators are calling time on the country’s growth story. In this short but hard hitting […]

Nov 06 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

India’s first woman cricket captain writes: I know the difference pay parity can make

27th October 2022 was the most important day in India’s long & distinguished cricket history not because the Indian men’s team beat the Netherlands that day but because the BCCI announced that henceforth India’s women’s team will get paid the same as the men’s team: “Under this policy, the women – like the men – will earn […]

Nov 06 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The Age of Inflation

A couple of weeks ago, we featured Russell Napier’s take on inflation who has been consistent with his view right from the first pandemic induced stimulus in the west. Napier attributes the current high inflation to the western governments taking over monetary policy through stimulus programmes such as credit guarantee schemes, ofcourse further exacerbated by supply shocks […]

Nov 06 . 5 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Why More and More Girls Are Hitting Puberty Early

In the wake of Covid, data is emerging from several countries that girls are hitting puberty earlier (in fact, much earlier) than they used to. Thirty years ago the “…average age of onset of puberty in girls—defined in most medical literature as thelarche, when breast tissue begins to develop—was about eleven years old. Menarche, or first […]

Nov 06 . 4 MIN READ

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