Consistent Compounders

Instagram Turns Obscure U.S. Sights Into Social-Media Destinations

Author: Jim Carlton Source: The Wall Street Journal ( Internet and internet companies like Instagram, Facebook, etc have made access to data/information very easy and have helped people across the world come more close. People are sharing their information on a real time basis and one of the unexpected beneficiaries out of it is the […]

Jul 28 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Like fossil fuel in the ground, customer data may soon be a liability, not an asset

Author: John Naughton Source: The Guardian ( Oil, which was once considered as indispensable to the economy is witnessing a reversal of fortune. Environmental costs of digging up and burning oil have forced humans to look for renewable sources of energy and now talks are when will renewable source of energy will overtake oil. Countries […]

Jul 28 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Save on Drug Costs! Ditch Useless Pills !

Author: Faye Flam Source: Bloomberg ( It turns out that most of the drugs we pay for don’t actually work very well. To make matters worse, they actually have negative side effects! “Buried among the mediocre drugs are a few that do add years of life or alleviate significant suffering. Clarifying which ones really are […]

Jul 28 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

An economist walks into a brothel and comes back with lessons in financial risk

Author: Allison Schrager Source: The Scroll ( Central to our investment philosophy is the idea of reducing risk to the extent we can, as elaborated in our blog “Crushing risk is more rewarding than chasing returns”. Allison Schrager, an economist and journalist has delved deep into the world of risk in her book “An Economist […]

Jul 28 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Isaav Asimov Asks, “How Do People Get New Ideas?

Author: Isaac Asimov Source: MIT Technology Review ( A 1959 essay by Isaac Asimov about Creativity -what makes creative people succeed, how to identify people with a creative bent of mind, how to form a team of creative people and how to incentivise such teams. From creating new art forms to new scientific discoveries, the […]

Jul 28 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

How To Use Technology And Not Be Used By It: A Psychologist’s Reading List

Author: Margaret Morris Source: ( Psychologist Margaret Morris talks about the five books that shaped her approach to technology. These books are: ·       The Saturated Self by Kenneth Gergen; ·       The Stories We Live By: Personal Myths And The Making Of The Self by Dan McAdams; ·       How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life […]

Jul 28 . 5 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The Mahabharata and the Ethics of Investing

(Pictured above: The Panchachuli peaks photographed from Saurabh’s decrepit phone) Published on:23 July, 2019 As investment managers, can we morally justify earning healthy returns year after year from investing in companies which generate supernormal returns from monopolising the sale of essential products to millions of Indians? The Mahabharata provides guidance on this troublesome ethical question.  […]

Jul 23 . 7 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The Generosity Of True Sportsmen

Author: Rohit Brijnath Source: The Mint ( Just as last Sunday’s double sport madness in London culminated with the insane end to the cricket world cup finals and the rivetting five-setter Wimbledon men’s singles finals, one could crave for how Rohit Brijnath, one of the best writers of sport prose, capture this on paper. Unsurprisingly, […]

Jul 21 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Elon Musk wants to link brains directly to machines

Author: The Economist Correspondent Source: The Economist ( The Economist calls him the “world’s most famous entrepreneur” given his desire to solve the world’s problems, be it climate change, mobility, space travel, urban transportation. Yet his most progressive project, in terms of potential impact on humanity could be Neuralink, his company which last week announced […]

Jul 21 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Singapore Sends an Alert to the Investing World

Author: Andy Mukherjee Source: Bloomberg ( Temasek, Singapore’s state investing firm, has in its annual report raised the spectre of “secular stagnation”: “The concept of a persistent downturn that doesn’t respond to easy money featured in the Singapore state investment firm’s annual report for the first time since 2016, one of three possible troubling scenarios […]

Jul 21 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

How Norway turns criminals into good neighbours

Author: BBC Correspondent Source: BBC ( It is no surprise that Scandinavian countries often find themselves atop most rankings for human development indices or happiness quotients. Yet this is a fascinating story in the BBC about how Norway treats its prisoners or rather prepares its convicted citizens while in prison to resume a normal life […]

Jul 21 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

‘I couldn’t handle being the best because the only way was down’

Author: Annesha Ghosh Source: The Cricket Monthly ( Even as men’s cricket has made significant strides over the years especially in terms of players’ fitness reflecting in the general athleticism on the field or the power hitting, the gap between men’s and women’s cricket has remarkably narrowed in recent years. Adam Gilchrist’s quote in this […]

Jul 21 . 6 MIN READ

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