Consistent Compounders

Too Busy? Make Time To ‘Do Nothing’

Many of us think that when in our leisure time we read stuff on the internet or on social media, we are not “working”. Such distinctions between work and leisure are actually meaningless says this piece from David Greene which is based on a new book called “Do Nothing: How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing […]

Mar 22 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Stopping the rot: the fight to save fresh food

Away from the doom and gloom of Covid-19, some good news from the world of material sciences – a technology to reduce or even eliminate food wastage. Reducing wastage of food not only helps more efficient utilisation of scarce resources across the global population but also helps in addressing climate change. “We waste an extraordinary […]

Mar 22 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

A Recession is a Public Health Necessity. Here’s How to Make it Short and Sharp

Whilst the world has now accepted the importance of social distancing as the main tool to contain the spread of the virus and thereby ‘flatten the curve’, governments are also scrambling to come up with measures to handle the economic consequences, which can be quite dire by themselves. Several hundreds of thousands of businesses will […]

Mar 22 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus

Earlier this week, Yuval Noah Harari, known for his fascinating book on history ‘Sapiens’, created a furore with his tweet accusing the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coronavirus related emergency decrees as dictatorial. In this oped in the FT, he elaborates on why this could be the biggest threat emerging out of this crisis – […]

Mar 22 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The Man Who Saw the Pandemic Coming

This is an interview in the Nautilus with Dennis Caroll, the man who has been at the forefront of researching potential infectious diseases for humanity orignating from the animal genepool. “For decades, Carroll has been a leading voice about the threat of zoonotic spillover, the transmission of pathogens from nonhuman animals to us. Scientists are confident […]

Mar 22 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

India’s Kings of Capital – Part I: Uday Kotak

“Sometimes we are asked what it is we do all day – given we are not trading in and out of our holdings. One answer is that we are watching very closely the capital allocation decisions taken by the boards of the companies we hold – knowing that cumulatively and over time it is the caliber of […]

Mar 18 . 9 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The Test offers plenty even for those who hate the Australian cricket team

This piece is a review of a documentary that began streaming on Amazon Prime Video earlier this week – a documentary about the resurgence of Australian cricket from the ignominy of the ‘sandpaper gate’ (the ball tampering scandal in South Africa) to winning the Ashes last year. The series stands out for the seamless access […]

Mar 15 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The One Guarantee in the Stock Market

Losses in the stock market are a feature, not a bug – and we have another grim yet timely reminder of that. When Charlie Munger was asked in 2009 about how worried he was that stocks had fallen by 50%, he is reported to have said “Zero. This is the third time Warren and I have […]

Mar 15 . 3 MIN READ

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