Consistent Compounders

Why is Gold Valuable?

Last week, we published a blog “The Most Damaging Myths of Indian Investing” in which the first myth we attempted to bust was that Gold will help me protect my wealth. Earlier this week, Nick Maggiulli put out his weekly blog on the same topic – gold as an investment. Unlike Warren Buffet who has been critical of […]

Jul 05 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Eyes in the sky

The Kumbh Mela is said to be one of the world’s largest human congregations attracting tens of millions of pilgrims at any given time, obviously posing daunting challenges for the authorities in terms of logistics and crowd safety. Whilst the Kumbh happens every 12 years with the last one in 2013, there is also a […]

Jul 05 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Did a Chinese Hack Kill Canada’s Greatest Tech Company?

For some of us who graduated at the turn of the millennium as electronics and communication engineers, Nortel Networks was a dream company to land your first job at. Besides the chance to work with the brightest people in communications technology, Nortel was front and centre of the dotcom boom, being the leading supplier of […]

Jul 05 . 6 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

How Would Investors React If We Finally Get Some Inflation?

In last week’s edition of ‘Three Longs & Three Shorts’ we highlighted the views of Russell Napier and Albert Edwards with respect to the potential for inflation to rise going forward (see In this piece, Ben Carlson interviews Jeremy Siegel (he of ‘Stocks for the Long Run’ fame) on the same subject and elicits some […]

Jul 05 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

How to think under pressure

Maria Konnikova used to work for the New Yorker. In January 2017 she took a sabbatical from her job to pursue an unusual goal: “…to train (from scratch) as a professional poker player. The aim was to write a book about the role that chance plays in our lives, using her experiences in the game as […]

Jul 05 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Mean Reversion: Universal Truth or Human Delusion?

The concept of ‘mean reversion’ is part of both, our everyday life as well as investing. However, inadequate understanding of the ‘mean’ leads to several mistakes in the application of this concept. When it comes to equities, over the long run share prices revert to their fundamentals and hence, clarity of thought around fundamental strengths […]

Jun 30 . 7 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Mounting clues suggest the coronavirus might trigger diabetes

Despite the continued rise in new daily cases in Brazil, India and Russia and the southern parts of the US, rising recovery rates and incrementally positive news about better treatments of Covid have been encouraging. Whilst our understanding about the virus and its treatment is improving, several researchers are beginning to look at long lasting […]

Jun 28 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Nestle Hired a Psychoanalyst to Convert a Nation to Coffee

Marketing professionals often look for a ‘hook’ to connect with the consumer, so as to build that trust about the brand that triggers repeat purchase. Here’s a story about how Nestle used ‘emotional branding’ to get the Japanese to like and consume its coffee products. The only difference is the time horizon over which Nestle […]

Jun 28 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

If Inflation Is Coming, the Market Isn’t Ready

Modern Monetary Theory is referred to the approach used by governments and central banks globally since the Lehman crisis in 2008, primarily involving pumping money into the financial system by expanding the central banks’ balance sheet. Whilst the positive effects on the economy, particularly in the US cannot be denied, the effects of money printing […]

Jun 28 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

How Elon Musk aims to revolutionise battery technology

The Paypal Mafia is used to refer to the founders of Paypal who after selling out to e-Bay have gone on to found several marquee companies in the Silicon Valley. Last week, we featured a piece on Peter Thiel often called the don of the Paypal Mafia. This time we feature a piece on the […]

Jun 28 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The Dharavi unlock: How daily new cases down to single digit

One of the many tragic aspects of the hysteria around Covid back in March 2020 was the enthusiasm with which self-proclaimed Covid experts around the world and the international media forecasted that poor & populous India would be hammered by Covid. After all, said these Covid gurus, if the Western economies with well-developed health infrastructure […]

Jun 28 . 4 MIN READ

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