COVID-19 and the Proliferation of Junk Science
Over the past year a plethora of strategies to combat COVID-19 were put into action. However very few of these strategies were backed by publicly available credible data. In fact, even as COVID-19 cases per 100 tests dropped sharply through spring 2020, alarmists published misleading studies and governments took policy action basis these studies. These […]
The secrets of successful listening
Irrespective of our profession, most of us are in effect selling something (including ourselves) to someone or in other words persuasive skills are almost a necessity. And persuasion is not simply about smooth talking your idea over but also to be able to listen well to appreciate what you can say that can actually influence […]
Stop Keeping Score
This is a lovely short piece from Arthur Brooks on how to set proper goals in life that can sustain our motivations. Often, we end up setting extrinsic goals, which are in effect, validation by others of our success or capabilities. Arthur cites research studies that show how such goals fail to sustain our motivations […]
From Hawick to Hawick: The story of The Economist founder James Wilson
It is that time of the year when market participants and the media alike go beserk making predictions about the Budget – something that is meant to be annual account of the government’s finances. But yet this year the Budget is indeed of significance given the government like most across the world had to bust […]
Inflation Will Come Back With a Vengeance
Financial markets, particularly those in risk asset classes such as equities, both developed and more so emerging market equities as well as commodities are having a great run. Whilst good news around the vaccine and the expectations of a consequent return to economic normalcy justify this, there is no denying the effect of liquidity as […]
How to harness brain science for a better life, explained by a neuroscientist
Lisa Feldman Barrett is a giant in the field of psychology. “Her pioneering research in neuroscience has landed her among the top 1% of most cited scientists in the world, and a 2019 Guggenheim Fellowship in neuroscience.” Ms Feldman Barrett has written a new book – “Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain” – […]
Siraj, the hero we need to be
At some point in our lives, most of us have been bullied and/or abused about a specific aspect of our identity. It could be the colour of our skin or the god we pray to or the language we speak or the caste we belong or our sexual identity or our nationality or our political […]
What Investors Can Learn From Rahul Dravid
More than any other cricketer, Rahul Dravid’s career has plenty of lessons for the rest of us regarding the power of mental conditioning and psychological training techniques. “By any meaningful reckoning…he was India’s greatest match-winning batsman, with 24 away wins (Sachin Tendulkar has 20) where he averaged nearly 70. When imponderables are introduced into the […]
SPACs and Capital Structure Arbitrage
The late Paul Volcker famously said that the only innovation of true economic value coming out of the financial services industry was the ATM or the automated teller machine. But that doesn’t mean Wall Street isn’t innovative – it is just that the innovations (read CDOs, CLOs, etc) more often bring the economy down than […]
Bruised and abused, Indians make their own luck at the SCG
A match analysis wouldn’t make it into the 3L&3S generally but this one is special. It is special for more reasons than one. First, it reminds us about why no amount of sex and violence that T20 cricket is can measure up to the sublime drama of Test cricket. Second, it captures very valuable life lessons […]
How to Stop the Negative Chatter in Your Head
The pandemic has brought to fore issues around mental health. There’s plenty of research that’s now available for us to deal with the resulting stress. One field of work is around the voice in our head or as Dr Ethan Kross puts it ‘chatter’. Dr Kross is an experimental psychologist and neuroscientist who specializes in […]
Something of Value
Despite being an investment house, we wouldn’t want to make the 3L&3S all about investing as we believe as investors we can learn from multiple disciplines. However, if Jeremy Grantham and Howard Marks have something to say, we can make an exception. For the uninitiated, Warren Buffet is known to have said this about Howard […]
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