Consistent Compounders

A litre of petrol takes up 30% of average daily income in India

Social media is flooded with memes about the record high fuel prices in India. Whilst high fuel prices has been a common theme in India irrespective of which political party is in power, exactly how high is this, relative to purchasing power? In this data driven blog of Business Standard – Number Wise, Abhishek Waghmare puts out […]

Jul 18 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Master Series: David Rolfe

If you enjoy learning from other investors, John Garrett’s Masters Invest website is a goldmine with a vast library of resources including interviews with some of the most successful investors around, some not particularly well known. These interviews show how even these investors learn from others though not necessarily to emulate them but evolve their […]

Jul 18 . 5 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Cricket is having its Moneyball moment

Michael Lewis’ blockbuster bestseller “Moneyball” not only immortalised baseball coach Billie Bean’s use of stats for player recruitment & player selection (the movie with Brad Pitt in a starring role also helped), it changed the nature of the sport. Now baseball and basketball in the USA and football in Europe are heavily stats oriented sports. […]

Jul 18 . 5 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Semiconductors could be the new oil – here’s why

A lot of people these days say that “Data is the new oil”. Whilst the sentiment they are trying to convey – that information rather than physical commodities now underpin growth & prosperity on our planet – is correct, the analogy is imperfect. If data & information are now the underpinnings of a modern economy […]

Jul 18 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Bajaj Finance: The Enigma Is Set For Another Transformation

Over the past decade (FY11-21) Bajaj Finance (BAF) has grown its loan book at a CAGR of 35% and PAT at a CAGR of 33% with an average RoE of 20%. During this period credit growth in the Indian banking sector has been only 10% p.a. BAF has transformed itself from being largely a captive […]

Jul 17 . 12 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Is gaming good for kids?

With the schools on full term break and the monsoons in full swing here in Mumbai forcing the kids to stay indoors mostly, many of us parents worry about how much time they end up spending on video games. Whilst anything in excess is not good, this article shows it isn’t a sound idea to […]

Jul 11 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The medieval nuns’ guide to virtual travel

With travel still restricted across the world, we are all longing to resume exploring the various wonderful places on the planet. Virtual tours of distant places on various platforms such as Amazon explore or the National Geographic are some solace but most will agree it is not even close to the real thing. What could […]

Jul 11 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

ESG outperformance looks set to end, study suggests

Here’s another piece on ESG investing. Increasing awareness about socially responsible investing has resulted in investors piling into funds investing in companies which score high on environment, social and governance (ESG) aspects and the fund management industry has equally responded with a slew of fund launches based on ESG. Whilst some investors genuinely want to […]

Jul 11 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Illusions of empire: Amartya Sen on what British rule really did for India

As William Darlymple noted recently, unlike the Germans who acknowledge the dark chapters in their history, the British need to do a lot more to acknowledge the dark side of Colonialism. Indeed, some quarters even believe that the British rule should be credited for the multi-party democracy and free media that India enjoys today among […]

Jul 11 . 6 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

16 Unbelievable Facts About the Markets

Ever since he published the bestseller, ‘A Wealth of Commonsense” five years ago, Ben Carlson has been astounding us with his ability to take long term data pertaining to the US financial system and re-present the numbers in a completely novel way. In this piece he makes you rethink almost every preconceived notion you might […]

Jul 11 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

A Major New Index Fund Should Unnerve Climate-Skeptical CEOs

Thanks to the publicity created by Gamestop, the widespread perception is that the new generation of investors are small time amateur day traders who will lose their shirts when the Fed turns off the liquidity tap. Whilst that may or may not happen, the reality is that some of the new gen investors are neither […]

Jul 11 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The Three Ps of a Global Little Champ

Little Champs portfolio companies’ dominant position in their niche markets forms the key basis for their superior pricing power, profitability, RoCE and free cashflow generation vs. peers. However, a key pitfall of ‘niche focus’ is a high probability of hitting a growth ceiling after reaching a dominant position in a niche industry – a concern […]

Jul 09 . 12 MIN READ

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