Portfolio Update

Performance data is net of annual performance fees (Except for Little Champs Portfolio) charged for client accounts whose account anniversary date falls up to the last date of this performance period. Since fixed fees and expenses are charged on a quarterly basis, effect of the same has been incorporated up to 30th June, 2022. For Little Champs portfolio, since performance fees are charged on cumulative gains at the 3rd anniversary of the respective client account, the effect of the same has not been incorporated in the performance data. (The returns are as on 30th June, 2022)

Inception Date & Benchmark:

Consistent Compounders Portfolio: Inception: 1st Dec,2018 Benchmark: Nifty 50 TRI

Little Champs Portfolio: Inception:28th Aug,2019 Benchmark: S&P BSE Small Cap TRI

Kings of Capital Portfolio: Inception:28th July ,2020 Benchmark: Bank Nifty TRI

Rising Giants Portfolio: Inception:27th Dec ,2021 Benchmark: BSE 500 TRI 

“Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful”- Warren Buffet

The ability to make level-headed decisions when the rest of the market is panicking is what separates the winners from the losers in the market. The current market correction is giving long term equity investors an opportunity to increase their exposure in equity market.

Reasons to invest in equity market now:

In the wake of every deep crisis, great companies in the affected industries gain massive market shares from competitors who get crippled by the crisis. This is exactly how it has played out so far. The FY 22 reported fundamentals of our CCP portfolio companies were strong both at the revenue level (25% YoY growth) as well at the profit level (29% YoY growth).

Few examples of the recent events which has led to sharp correction in equity market and some quality companies:

  1. Increase in competitive landscape– News of Grasim entering into paint industry or news of TATA1MG aggressive pricing has resulted in sharp correction in prices of Asian Paints/Berger and Dr. Lal Pathlabs respectively. We believe the steep price corrections is unwarranted and gives an opportunity to investors to invest in quality(For more details please watch our webinar—India’s moment after a decade of structural reforms:https://www.youtube.com/embed/rQIlxesJJP4)
  2. Increase in input costs due to inflation & commodity cycle– Market punishes companies whose margins might come under pressure (despite it being temporary) due to increase in raw material For long term investors it is a great opportunity to build position in the quality stocks.The highlighted fee clause needs to be typed word to word. If there is any word mis-spelt or missed out, the system will not allow client to moveEliminate discrepancies with quick deployment of fundsReduction in back and forth of client documents and

Better client experienceinterest rate hardening and cost of capital going up – Worldwide central banks are increasing interest rates which is resulting in cost of capital going up and FIIs pulling out capital from emerging These are great times for companies which have strong balance sheet and generate free cash flow to gain additional market share. Investors should use this opportunity to build position in strong companies driven by strong fundamentals.

Marcellus CCP company’s fundamentals continues to grow, as discussed in our monthly newsletter titled: Acceleration in growth rates of CCP companies’ fundamentals. We continue to believe that market will rewards companies who compound their revenue,earnings and free cash flow & maintain their capital allocation discipline.

As Warren Buffet says—Bad news is an investor’s best friend!!Hence do not wait for the economy to turn to start buying. The current market is letting you buy a slice of India’s future at a marked down price.

Please find below links to our latest newsletters and presentations: 

Product Presentation https://marcellus.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/CCP_ProductPPT_REGULAR_June23_v2.pdf https://marcellus.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Marcellus-KCP-Product-Regular.pdf https://marcellus.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Marcellus_Little_Champs_presentation_Regular-.pdf https://marcellus.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Marcellus_Little_Champs_presentation_June-2023_Final_Regular.pdf
Newsletter https://marcellus.in/newsletter/consistent-compounders/ https://marcellus.in/newsletter/kings-of-capital/ https://marcellus.in/newsletter/rising-giant/ https://marcellus.in/newsletter/little-champs/
STP FAQ https://marcellus.helpscoutdocs.com/article/96-stp
SIP FAQ https://marcellus.helpscoutdocs.com/article/100-systematic-investment-plan-sip-faqs


  1. Digital Sign Up for New

We are happy to announce the Go Live of  Digital Sign-up for New client investment.With this utility all the Resident Individual clients who are signing the document in India can make use of this digital initiatives.

Key derived benefits from this Initiatives are: 

  1. Digital execution thru Aadhaar esign
  2. Paperless execution
  3. Reduction of TAT
  4. Eliminate discrepancies with quick deployment of funds
  5. Reduction in back and forth of client documents and
  6. Better client experience

Process Steps for the Marcellus Digital Sign Up in Part 1 & Part B

  • To process with the Digital Sign Up for the New client, below are the criteria’s to be fulfilled.
  • Client is KRA verified.
  • Client’s Mobile no. to be linked with the Aadhar and the no. should be active as the OTP will be sent to the registered

PART 1- Process and documentation.

  1. Client will receive an email from Silver Bullet (email ID : No-reply@marcellus.in) and it will have a pdf with Fee Schedule & Power of Attorney and guidance to complete the (We will also courier hard copy of these documents to the client hence the requirement for printing the copy can be ignored)
  1. Tick the consent box, upload the wet signature and then capture a live picture of client. (The signature can be made on a blank page, a picture of it to be clicked and then uploaded. Client may get a prompt to allow camera / enable live location- kindly permit the same; do not reject)
  1. The highlighted fee clause needs to be typed word to word. If there is any word mis-spelt or missed out, the system will not allow client to move
  1. An OTP will be generated and sent to client’s registered mobile No. Client will have to enter the OTP and The first part of the digital onboarding is complete here and client will receive a message stating that another email will be sent in a few minutes.

PART 2- E signing Process 

  1. Once all the Part 1 activity is completed, client will receive an email from Signdesk (Email ID : Siddharth via SignDesk – joshino-reply@signdesk.com) for E-signatures.
  2. Client will have to tick the consent box to enable consent for capturing photo .(Live Photo to be captured)The site will re-direct client to NSDL page where client will have to enter the Aadhaar number; next – clickon ‘Send OTP’. An OTP will be sent to client’s registered mobile number. On punching in the OTP, e-signature will be A pop-up message saying that the e-signing is successful /

2.Digital Sign-Up for Existing Client

  • With this utility all the Resident Individual clients who are signing the document in India can make use of this digital
  • Key derived benefits from this Initiatives are:
  • Reduction in TAT for processing of Existing account
  • No paperwork involved, 100% digital
  • Eliminate Discrepancies with quick Fund Deployments
  • Less coordination with Distributors / Client
  • Better client onboarding experience

3.Marcellus Web CIF – Resident Indian Investors

We have taken one step forward with digitization to deliver better user experience for our new investors and partners. We have gone live with online Web CIF (link below) for Resident Indian clients wherein all client details can be filled and submitted to Marcellus along with an upload of all the requisite KYC documents; you no longer need to fill in the excel spreadsheet for Resident Indian clients.

Process Steps to fill in the Web CIF (Resident Indian)

  • Kindly keep a soft copy of all KYC documents in PDF/JPEG format handy before filling the form
  • Link to access Web CIF – https://investor-resources.marcellus.in/generate-shorturl-cif-distributor
  • Fill the basic details and click on generate
  • Copy the URL and paste in new web page to access Client Information Form
  • Fill in the mandatory details on the Web CIF page and upload all KYC documents, Investor details filled in the form should match with KYC documents.
  • At the end, insert captcha and then click on ‘Submit’
  • An acknowledgement email will be sent to you on receipt of Web CIF details at Marcellus
  • Marcellus team will validate the complete information in CIF and KYC documents and proceed further with form

4.Audited Statements

The Audited statements for FY21-22 are now available under the Investor’s login. Below are the steps to login and download the Audited Financials

  • Step 1: Login to your account on Marcellus Online Portal www.clients.marcellus.in
  • Step2: On your left hand side, you will see ‘ Statements and Documents ’ option. Click on it.
  • Step 3: Select Date range and then click ‘Go’
  • Step 4:You will see all your Invoices and audited statement for the selected period. To download Click on ‘View Document’ icon
  • Step 5:Check Download folder of your PC / Laptop and you will find the downloaded Audited Financials / Invoice file in there. Please click on this link (https://marcellus.helpscoutdocs.com/article/104-invoice-and-audited-reports ) to see step by step instructions on accessing audited statements online.Existing Client Sign-up is basically for the clients who have an Active investment with Marcellus and wish to sign-up a new strategy through signing only an Investment

**For operations related queries please email on clientsupport@marcellus.in**

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