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Past events

16 Jun, 2024 · 11:00 AM
Implications of the Election outcome for the Indian Economy and Equity Markets
15 Jun, 2024 · 10:30 AM
  New Delhi
Implications of the Election outcome for the Indian Economy and Equity Markets
27 Apr, 2024 · 11:00 AM
Topic: The rise of WESCO and the importance of an Indo-American Portfolio!
20 Apr, 2024 · 05:00 PM
  Churchgate, Mumbai
Topic: Benefits of Quant Investing
20 Apr, 2024 · 10:30 AM
  Vashi, Navi Mumbai
Topic: Benefits of Quant Investing
19 Apr, 2024 · 05:00 PM
  Andheri, Mumbai
Topic: Benefits of Quant Investing

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