Consistent Compounders

Business education – the waning popularity of the American MBA

Even well established American business schools are seeing a step drop in applications for their MBA courses. Top tier MBAs like Harvard, Fuqua and Haas are seeing falling demand for their MBA courses. Given the red-hot state of the US economy, why is this happening? This article cites three drivers for the waning popularity of […]

Nov 11 . 1 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The Indian Stockmarket is Unique. Here is the Data.

Published on: 7 Nov, 2018 No other large stockmarket is as overwhelmingly macro driven as India’s. Arguably, this is because of the high cost of factors of production and the influence of the Indian state in every aspect of business life. To make money in India, investors need to understand the macro as much as […]

Nov 07 . 5 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

A business ethics class from Australian cricket

As Australians introspect on the back of the ball-tampering scandal in South Africa with several reviews, one such review by the Ethics Centre seems to point to the origins of the win-at-any-cost attitude to incentive mechanisms in business. “The review traces some of the roots of the cultural failings to a 2011 investigation into poor performance […]

Nov 04 . 1 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Keep it simple, silly

Elaborating on the power of simplicity, the authors not only drive home the point that “In an increasingly complex world, simplicity is the key to success. And to mental well-being and a better life on the whole” but also provide a step-wise guide of sorts to achieve simplicity – think different, deliberate practice and deep thought and […]

Nov 04 . 1 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Government Versus RBI: Dissent At The Podium

In case you have not been keeping up with the bickering between the RBI and the Government, Ira Duggal gives you a primer. “Reserve Bank of India Governor Urjit Patel and his team have now come out at least four times to defend their policies through public speeches. While these speeches have helped explain the viewpoint […]

Nov 04 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Where Are the Shudras? Why the Shudras are lost in today’s India

Shudras comprise approximately half the population of India…The Mandal Commission concluded in the 1980s that the OBCs, not including the “upper” Shudra castes, represent 52 percent of all Indians…By comparison, the “forward” castes—Hindu castes outside the OBCs, Scheduled Cates and Scheduled Tribes—all together count for no more than 20 percent of the Indian population. So, […]

Nov 04 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Social Media, not Fake News, Damages your Portfolio

Published on: 30 Oct, 2018 Sixty years ago Solomon Asch showed that we start believing in nonsense if enough people around us are believers. Social media has amplified this problem manifold and thus become a hazard to HNWs’ portfolios. Cutting oneself off from social media and using simple behavioural rules mitigates this problem to a […]

Oct 30 . 6 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Ticketmaster stages fightback against touts

The pop star Taylor Swift’s business acumen is once again in full display as she comes up with a novel way to solve an age old economic problem. The problem is as follows: when the tickets for a rock concert are sold, the fans who buy the tickets tend to span a wide spectrum of […]

Oct 28 . 1 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Do not believe the hype about artificial intelligence

The author – inspite of running an AI service provider for corporates – says that AI is being overhyped and overpromoted. He believes that: “We have much faster computers, thanks to Moore’s law, but the underlying algorithms are mostly identical to those that powered machines 40 years ago. Instead, we have creatively rebranded those algorithms. […]

Oct 28 . 1 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Two articles which should be read together: (1) How social democracy lost its way: a report from German; and (2) What the Left misses about Nationalism

In India it is a common refrain that the Congress can’t get its act together whilst the BJP displays its political muscle on a daily basis. However, the challenges of traditional left of centre political parties do not seem to be confined to India alone as these articles in the FT and NYT show. In […]

Oct 28 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Quant Investor Cliff Asness Hasn’t Smashed His Screen This Year—Yet

Cliff Asness has built AQR Capital Management into a systematic investing giant by capitalizing on two trends: the growing power of computers and the demand for lower fund fees. Today, AQR runs $226 billion in strategies built on so-called factors—behaviors that securities tend to exhibit over time. The problem is the “over time” qualifier – […]

Oct 28 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

What Sets Successful CEOs Apart

The authors conducted a 10-year study (dubbed the “CEO Genome Project”) to identify what sets successful CEOs apart. They tapped into a database containing more than 17,000 assessments of C-suite executives, including 2,000 CEOs and “sifted through that information, looking for what distinguished candidates who got hired as CEOs from those who didn’t, and those who […]

Oct 28 . 2 MIN READ

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