How to avoid burnout this Christmas
Looking for a New Year’s resolution? Embrace aimlessness, suggests Josh Cohen, a psychoanalyst and professor of modern literary theory at Goldsmiths, University of London. In this piece which is a brief introduction to his upcoming book ‘Not Working: Why We Have to Stop’, Josh explores the paradoxical pleasures of inactivity. Josh starts with the typical […]
Passive attack: the story of a Wall Street revolution
For those interested in knowing everything about arguably the greatest financial innovation of the past century – passive investing, this piece delivers it – from the origins to mass market commercialisation to the risks it might pose in the future. A balanced piece with some gems from the man himself, John Bogle, the founder of […]
FT Big read – Agritech – Disrupters take root
A variety of Silicon Valley funded start-ups are bringing a range of innovations to bear upon the US farm sector with the goal of improving technology at the start of the food chain and “enhance the earning power of those working the land.” For example, Farmers Business Network (FBN) founded by Amol Deshpande (ex Kleiner […]
Your memory will determine how much money you make
Published on: 20 Dec, 2018 Memory in all its avatars (perception, projection, intelligence) plays a big role in how we invest. The fragility of our memories (both in the sense of how quickly they fade and in the sense of how susceptible to manipulation they are) suggests that we need to be careful with how […]
Articles by: Saurabh Mukherjea
Lifting Weights Has a Surprising Effect on Mental Health
There is plenty of research which shows that exercise can help with depression. Most studies however focus on aerobic exercise (running, cycling, etc). Could it be that lifting weights also helps tackle depression? In a paper published in JAMA Psychiatry, researchers analysed the results of 33 experiments focused on this issue. They found that: a) […]
The State of Being Stuck
A wonderful piece on patience and perseverance from a Mathematician’s perspective – virtues key to success in any field, more so if you are an inventor. But this article ties it in with the whole process of learning for children and adults alike and adopting a growth mindset to living – accepting ‘the state of […]
Why northern Europe is the new American dream?
Simon Kuper is in superb form in this fluent essay on how overworked American professionals now look enviously at Northern Europeans. Why? Because many Northern Europeans “get home from work in time for dinner with the kids; no stress about paying for their education or healthcare; safe streets in a safe region; an affordable home near […]
Dr. Elon & Mr. Musk: Life Inside Tesla’s Production Hell
An investigative piece about Elon Musk’s travails with Gigafactory and Model 3 by Charles Duhigg, the Pullitzer prize winner and author of The Power of Habit. Charles brings out the other side of genius in this piece in the WIRED. It is full of anecdotes, sometimes hilarious but often times grave enough to know that […]
Jim Simons – the Numbers King
The revolution that Jim Simons, an award winning Maths professor from Stony Brook University, started in 1982 when he set up Renaissance Capital has changed the face of investing. Inspired by the success of Renaissance’s Medallion fund – 75% CAGR before fees from 1991 to 2005 – a whole generation of quant funds have transformed […]
Christopher Wylie – what happens next?
Christopher Wylie, the former Cambridge Analytica employee, who blew the cover on what the group was upto, is a very original thinker. In this remarkable interview with the FT, the Canadian – who dropped out of school, then taught himself to write code and then studied law at the London School of Economics – talks […]
Who is Marcellus and why does he matter
Published on: 9 Dec, 2018 We live in era defined by majoritarianism and social-media driven consensus. In such an age we seek inspiration from the one of the greatest warriors of the 20 th Century, Cassius Marcellus Clay, better known as Muhammad Ali. “I know where I am going and I know the truth and […]
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