Consistent Compounders

The Trump era could last 30 years

Gideon Rachman raises the question whether Britain’s vote for Brexit and America’s election of Donald Trump are a temporary aberration or a beginning of a new era. Gideon divides the post-war era into two periods each of which lasted roughly around 30 years– 1) from 1945-75, which was identified with a period of strong economic […]

Feb 10 . 5 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Why women win in the long run

This remarkable FT article takes us into the world ultra-long distance running where the results show that women don’t just beat men, they leave the men dozens of miles behind. Why exactly this is happening has become the subject of research by scientists. Scientists at the University of British Columbia in Canada have found that […]

Feb 10 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The Disturbing, Surprisingly Complex Relationship Between White Identity Politics and Racism

In an interesting new book called “White Identity Politics”, American political scientist Ashley Jardina of Duke University looks at the increasing relevance of white identity in American politics. What she finds is interesting and potentially has relevance for Indian politics if you replace “white” with “caste Hindus”. “Drawing on data from American National Election Studies […]

Feb 10 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Marcellus: The Virus Spreads Beyond the Banks

Published on: 8 Feb, 2019 As the same problems which ravaged India’s banking system now spread into its money & bond markets, we highlight the need for investors to strengthen their forensic accounting firepower. With over 60 years of experience of analysing the accounts of India’s leading companies, Marcellus’ research team (now stuffed with CAs […]

Feb 08 . 6 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Another tech bubble could be about to burst

In his article, Rana Foroohar beautifully captures the downside of massive growth in the number of venture-capital-backed unicorns. She starts the article by highlighting the over-optimism shown by new tech companies which is in sharp contrast to what market expects from the technology sector this year. According to Rana, many big IPO’s are going to […]

Feb 03 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Cracks are opening in the global monetary system

Part of the fun of reading the legendary strategist Russell Napier is that we are reminded that we have so much more to learn about the world we live in. In this succinct piece for the FT he explains (once again) what he has been saying for the past ten years – now that the […]

Feb 03 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Afroz Shah’s New Year Lesson

Priya Ramani, the Mint columnist whose spunk catalysed the “Me Too” movement in India last year, profiles a very different type of Indian – Afroz Shah. Unlike people like us who sit in air-conditioned offices and fulminate about the challenges facing India, Afroz hits the beaches and riverbanks of Mumbai to deal with messiest of […]

Feb 03 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Dharavi Diary – What happens when girls in one of the world’s largest slums start coding and building apps

Part of India’s renaissance is ordinary people making extraordinary efforts to life of the people around them. This, in a sense, is the continuation of the million mutinies that VS Naipaul wrote about in his 1990 book. Here is one more example if India’s million mutinies. “Dharavi Diary, a non-profit organisation run by documentary filmmaker […]

Feb 03 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Kotak Lawsuit: Will It Finally Make RBI Accountable?

A pioneer in investigative journalism in India, Sucheta Dalal, has written a thought provoking piece on what is probably the most important court case in RBI’s history – it’s tussle with Uday Kotak on the matter of Mr Kotak’s shareholding in Kotak Bank. If the RBI loses this case it is hard to see how […]

Feb 03 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Marcellus: The Big Shift in Small Town India

Published on: 2 Feb, 2019 With potentially $500 billion per annum of financial savings arising from annual income and with potentially another $100 billion per annum arising from the balance sheet shift (from physical to financial), our visits to India’s smaller cities suggest that the annual flow into financial savings could triple over the next […]

Feb 02 . 6 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Why India is Blessed with Consistent Compounders?

Marcellus’ Consistent Compounders Philosophy identifies firms with high pricing power that helps sustain a wide gap between returns on capital employed and cost of equity. The portfolio holds such firms for 8-10 years on average and aims to deliver healthy returns with volatility like that of a government bond. We also made the first churn […]

Feb 01 . 6 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Marcellus: A Cynic’s Guide to Reading Indian Newspapers

Published on: 25 Jan, 2019 80% of the content in Indian newspapers is irrelevant for investors; the other 20% is very useful. The latter 20% focuses on: (a) the actions (not words) of Indian promoters and politicians; and (b) narratives about the majority of Indians whose lives are less comfortable than ours. Furthermore, these narratives […]

Jan 25 . 9 MIN READ

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