From rags to richer
The Economist – normally a champion of full on free market capitalism – has a heart warming story regarding a British retailer which has succeeded by treating its staff well. Julian Richer has built a successful high-street chain of 52 stores, named Richer Sounds. “…the 60-year-old Mr Richer is an atypical entrepreneur. That became clear […]
Introducing Little Champs – our small cap PMS
Given that each year 60 companies enter the BSE500, we can see that there are certain economic drivers which are helping well run small firms explode into prominence. From an investors’ viewpoint, in the three years run-up to entering the BSE500, new entrants outperform the index at a CAGR of as much as 40%, indicating […]
The Relationship Between Reforms & Returns in India
Ever since India started liberalising its economy in the early 1980s, the two-year period following General Elections has always generated positive returns with one exception (1999). In fact, the two years following General Elections have accounted for 80% of the returns generated by the Indian stockmarket. Furthermore, Consistent Compounder stocks have more than adequately participated […]
How Bangalore’s IT sector flowered from a princely state Diwan’s industrial dream in 1911
One would assume that an article on urban development in Bangalore would talk about the ridiculous traffic congestion in the city. But Aditi and Anish, students of urban development will hopefully tackle that on a different day. In this article, they trace the city’s emergence as a IT hub to economic policies set in as […]
An economic crisis in your teens can alter your behaviour for life, economists find
Behaviours of entire generations such as that of the baby boomers and the millienials and their influence on the economy has been a matter of interest for policy makers. But now, it seems like policy makers are delving deeper on this subject. Christopher Severen at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia has analysed the behaviour […]
The True Cost Of Ignoring True Cost
WeWork’s failed IPO has led to several notable commentators in America highlighting the folly of private markets and pointing to the broader house of cards constructed by venture capitalists in Silicon Valley. The most famous of these pieces has come from veteran commentator, Jason Zweig (see> ). The responses to Zweig’s piece are actually very interesting […]
Is Amazon Unstoppable?
As we approach the next US presidential elections, the chorus against big corporate will only get louder. Hence, it is only logical that the largest corporate – Amazon becomes front and centre of this outrage. Plenty has been written about Amazon’s ‘Day One’ and ‘Flywheel’ approach to business which has made it a relentless growth […]
Stephen Schwarzman Hung Out a Shingle.Then He Waited.
The appropriately titled King Capital was a story about Blackstone and how Stephen Schwarzman built a world class investment management organisation. Now, you can hear it straight from the horse’s mouth in Schwarzman’s new book What It Takes: Lessons in the Pursuit of Excellence. Here’s a two-part excerpt of the book from The Institutional Investor. If you would […]
Real Economy Check: ‘Jammed Liquidity’ To ‘Overwhelming Regulations’ Hurting Small Drugmakers, Says Orbit Lifesciences
This insightful interview with Amit Sheth, the promoter of Orbit Lifesciences, is a rare example of a promoter talking rationally and articulately about the ongoing economic slowdown. [Most promoters’ interviews regarding the slowdown span the narrow spectrum from begging the Government for help to thanking the Government for help!] First off, BloombergQuint gives you a […]
Verghese Kurien is the greatest exponent of the “Infinite Game”
Published on: 8th October, 2019 Simon Sinek’s latest book ‘The Infinite Game’ should be celebrated as a breath of fresh air in the futile discourse around the rightful purpose of capitalism. In that context, one of India’s greatest sons – the late Verghese Kurien, the man who made Amul a powerhouse – deserves to be […]
AI Is Coming for Your Favorite Menial Tasks
An argument in favour of automation using Artificial Intelligence replacing humans with machines for jobs that are menial is that humans will go on to devoting more time to solving the harder and more challenging problems the world is facing. However, cognitive psychology suggests that in some fields, taking away the menial jobs from humans […]
‘The 3.5% rule: How a small minority can change the world
The arresting piece contends that “Nonviolent protests are twice as likely to succeed as armed conflicts – and those engaging a threshold of 3.5% of the population have never failed to bring about change.” The article begins with several examples of how quickly authoritarian governments cave-in when faced with civil protest. It then says that […]
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