Consistent Compounders

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The digital age characterised by our ability to capture and process vast amounts of data for decision making is helping humanity progress in a multitude of fields. One such area is ‘Complexity science’ – the study of complex systems with several dynamic individual parts and the interaction between them to produce a collective non-linear outcome, […]

Dec 13 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The Donut King who went full circle – from rags to riches, twice

We all love to read about linear narratives of zeroes who become heroes. We also love to read about turnaround stories – heroes who fell from grace, picked themselves up and rose again. But until we came across the story Ted Ngoy, a Cambodian refugee to the US, we had never heard about a life […]

Dec 13 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Nestlé gives a flavour of the future

Nestle India sits inside the majority of the 4,000-odd portfolios that Marcellus manages for its clients. This Indian subsidiary’s fate is obviously inextricably linked to its 160-year old Swiss parent, Nestle, the world’s largest food company which has been headquartered in Vevey from the day the company was created. Longevity apart, what Nestle has achieved […]

Dec 13 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Spotlighting Suprajit Engineering

Unlike their peers, Little Champs portfolio witnessed a healthy recovery in earnings (EBITDA up 14% YoY) in 2QFY21. More importantly, Little Champs’ net cash position has remained intact through 1HFY21 giving them the firepower to gain market shares from their weaker peers. This month we place the spotlight on Suprajit Engineering which has consistently outpaced […]

Dec 08 . 12 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Amazon’s Panorama box lets firms check if staff follow coronavirus rules

Like most firms, we at Marcellus have also had to adopt Covid-safe measures such as taking additional space to implement social distancing as well as enforcing use of masks by imposing fines that would go to charity. Turns out there is a technological solution for monitoring usage of masks as well. Amazon’s AI based solution […]

Dec 06 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Email Lessons from Napoleon Bonaparte

Last week, we featured Cal Newport’s brilliant piece on how email has adversely affected productivity given our constant need to check our inbox. Here’s a productivity tip from the unlikeliest of places – lessons from Napoleon’s way of information management. Mike Schmitz in this blog refers to Ralph Waldo Emerson’s famous essay on Napoleon: ““He directed Bourrienne […]

Dec 06 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Why 2020 has been rotten for quant funds

Quant funds have been pulverised in 2020 because the models that these funds use rely on history. Obviously, nothing akin to Covid-19 has happened in the last hundred years. In fact, both the advent of the disease and the now the discovery of the vaccines seems to have created problems for quant funds. The Economist […]

Dec 06 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The Confessions of Marcus Hutchins, the Hacker Who Saved the Internet

Somebody buy the movie rights for this piece already, so thrilling is the article that one can go nonstop from start to finish with what is a really long read. For most of us, the article opens our eyes into the fascinatingly dark world of cyber hacking, a world drawing thousands of smart young but […]

Dec 06 . 5 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Bhavani Iyer – Feminist writer who remains ‘utterly unafraid’

One of the most interesting subjects of study in any society is how cultural and social change happens. How do people in that society alter their notions of what is seen as positive/negative human behaviour? Who are the leaders and the followers in this process of gradual change? India and within India, Bollywood, is a […]

Dec 06 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The next decade could be even worse

If you haven’t heard Peter Turchin, the mathematician who uses centuries of data to foretell the future, you are likely to hear plenty about him in the years to come. Turchin, a Russian, who works at the University of Connecticut, is belatedly being recognised as a thinker on par with Jared Diamond and Yuval Noah […]

Dec 06 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The Maths, Science and Art of Investing in Equities

Equity investing can be a complex business. The variables at play are numerous – not just the macro and micro variables relevant to a stock, but also the psychological factors facing an investor. Maths, Science and Art are subjects that have improved our ability to understand the complexities of the world around us. Whilst decisions […]

Dec 01 . 11 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Maradona’s contribution to monetary theory

There’s plenty of high-quality prose on the internet to read about the legendary footballer, Diego Maradona who passed away earlier this week. Most of them glorifying his legendary footballing skills, but some even critical of his infamous lifestyle off the pitch. But no one can take away the joy his game brought to millions of […]

Nov 29 . 2 MIN READ

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