Consistent Compounders

Will the pandemic threaten the future of big U.S. cities?

For a variety of reasons, several of us in Marcellus have been trying to think through what will happen to the WFH-model of office work as and when the Pandemic becomes a non-issue. This blog from Capital, the world’s largest actively managed listed equities asset manager, provides useful perspectives on this issue. Whilst the blog […]

Sep 26 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Credit Growth And Per Capita Income – An Unforeseen Relationship

Globally, the relationship between overall credit growth and GDP growth is no longer as strong as it used to be three decades ago. However, in India’s case, the relationship, even though weaker as compared to the 1990s, is still robust. Moreover, as a country gets richer, retail credit starts accounting for an ever-larger share of […]

Sep 24 . 8 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The market is unable to efficiently discount news on Financial Services stocks

Easy access to information and incessant news flow around the economy, politics, Covid, Government policies and RBI regulations makes it difficult for investors to “do nothing” and hold on to high quality Financial Services companies. Data suggests that the impact of positive or negative news flow is further amplified in the case of Financials – […]

Sep 20 . 7 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Speculation is the new luxury good

The argument that cryptos are not  backed by cashflows and hence have no intrinsic value has been countered by the logic that not all assets need to have an intrinsic value – it can have a transactional value i.e, what price other buyers are willing to pay as in art, for example. In this really short read, Seth […]

Sep 19 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

How to think like a scientist – and why you should

Whilst the article is meant for anyone and everyone to draw lessons from scientists on how to think, based on the article, it surely does seem to help to think like a scientist in the world of investing. The author presents five steps in which scientists think, we could all use as investors:“Step 1: Start […]

Sep 19 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Why Financial Manias Persist

This is not exactly a review of William Bernstein’s recent book “The Delusion of Crowds” but the blog seems to feed off the book’s central theme and a bit more. Ben draws from the book key characteristics that define a financial mania and then applies it to the current context to see if we are in […]

Sep 19 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

How a ‘fatally, tragically flawed’ paradigm has derailed the science of obesity

Obesity has been growing as an epidemic of sorts across the world, especially in the rich world (12% of the population sixty years ago to more than 40% today in the US) and its tendency to spawn off other health disorders makes it even more dangerous. The long-held belief as the most common reason for obesity […]

Sep 19 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

How Aristotle created the computer

One of the most interesting things about technology is that it has two distinct strands to it. The obvious strand is what technology is usually associated with i.e. software programming and hardware like chips and transistors. The less obvious and more intriguing strand is the one which links technology to maths, logic and thence to […]

Sep 19 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Caste, ethnicity, religion – United colours of Indian hockey prove the game thrives in inclusivity

Whilst it has been a lot of fun watching India beat England in England in the recent Test cricket series, the sports highlight of the summer for many of us at Marcellus has been the spine tingling performances of the Indian women’s and men’s hockey teams at the Tokyo Olympics. With breathtaking power, skill and […]

Sep 19 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Here’s Where Our Minds Sharpen in Old Age

Some of us enjoy getting beaten hollow by our kids in a game of FIFA on the Playstation but we also get reminded at how our reflexes have slowed with age. Whether its sport or driving or memory, popular understanding is that ageing slows us down. However, this piece in the Nautilus points to a […]

Sep 12 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Are you really sorted out?

Here’s another gem from Anand Sridharan for more reasons than one, least of which is the cricketing analogy to drive home an important lesson in investing. As fans of the game, especially of Rahul Dravid, we have indulged quite a bit in our recently published book Diamonds in the Dust. But more importantly this essay brings […]

Sep 12 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

MIT-designed project achieves major advance toward fusion energy

The fight against climate change with adoption of clean energy has accelerated over the past decade with significant drop in costs of among others, solar, wind and hydrogen fuel technology. But news from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology earlier this week about a significant breakthrough in fusion energy technology, arguably the cleanest of them all, […]

Sep 12 . 4 MIN READ

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