India’s response to climate change has been through its aggressive adoption of renewable energy since 2014 – here are some stats from the ministry of renewable energy’s portal:

  • 42% of cumulative installed capacity from non-fossil fuel sources
  • Renewable power generation up 1.5x
  • Solar power installed capacity up 25x
  • Wind power capacity doubled

But what is less talked about is the progress on the nuclear energy front. India is set to triple its capacity in nuclear in the next 8yrs. This article talks about a milestone event which gives testimony to India’s capability in the field of nuclear energy – “the country’s first indigenous nuclear power plant of 700 MWe (megawatt electric) started operations at full capacity on August 30.”

“The Kakrapar Atomic Power Station is a nuclear power plant located in Mandvi taluka of Surat district in Gujarat and operated by the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), a government of India undertaking responsible for generating electricity through nuclear energy. The Kakrapar Gujarat site consists of four pressurised heavy water reactors (PHWRs), namely two 220 MW units totalling 440 MW and two 700 MW units of 1,400 MW.

 According to the BARC website, India is the only developing country to have indigenously developed, demonstrated and deployed nuclear reactors for electricity generation.

The Indian PHWR-700 is a third-generation reactor, developed by the NPCIL and designed at BARC from CANDU reactors (Canada Deuterium Uranium), a Canadian pressurised heavy-water reactor design supplied by Canada six decades ago. After Canada stopped supplying in 1974, India gradually started indigenising nuclear water reactors with the help of the Soviet Union. NPCIL has 15 reactors of 220 MW, and two 550 MW reactors. The design and technology achieved economy of scale with the 550 MW reactors, which are installed at the Tarapur Atomic Power Station in Palghar, Maharashtra.”
Indeed, India is only second to China in terms of nuclear power build out.

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