Roger Federer is endearing to many for reasons not just restricted to his tennis. His demeanour much like his game was full of grace. And his commencement address to the students of Dartmouth last week was no different – filled with wit, grace and humility. He talks about life lessons learnt from Tennis. One of our colleagues nicely summarised it for us as below:

Effortless is myth – The amount of hard work, grueling hours, grit that goes in background is unimaginable and sometimes, no one knows it. And when the world says “You don’t break a sweat”, it seems like a compliment on most days, but sometimes it can be frustrating that no one sees your truth; that it comes after many, many years of sweat! But isn’t that the ultimate achievement!. Loved how he said he took a chance by going after the opponents’ strengths to amplify his game and expand his options and build his arsenal of strengths!

It is only a point – “Whatever game you play in life, sometimes you would lose. Know your self- belief, and in time. When you lose every second shot, you learn not to dwell on every shot. It is only a point. When you’re playing a point, it has to be the most important thing in the world. But when it is behind you, it is behind you. Negative energy is wasted energy. Become the master of overcoming hard moments! That is the sign of a champion!”

Life is bigger than the tennis court – “The world is whole lot bigger than the court. Know your roots and do not lose the appetite for the world.” Believe in the impact you create and work towards the larger wider goals, believe in the power of humbling experiences. “Philanthropy can also mean contributing your ideas, your time, your energy to a mission larger than yourself”

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