High quality mid-sized companies have been amongst the biggest wealth creators in Indian equities over the last 3, 5 and 10 years. Marcellus Rising Giants PMS intends to identify and invest in such high quality mid-sized companies (typically less than INR 75bn market-capitalisation, predominantly in the INR 7 to 75bn range) with: 1) Well moated dominant franchises in niche segments; 2) A track record of prudent capital allocation with high reinvestment in the core business and continuous focus on adjacencies for growth; and 3) Clean accounts and impeccable corporate governance.
Portfolio Construction
From a universe of ~450 companies in this segment, a portfolio is constructed of 15-20 companies which make it past Marcellus’ proprietary forensic accounting & capital allocation filters as well as our bottom-up stock selection & position sizing framework.
Performance as on 28th February 2025 (figures in %)
*For relative performance of particular Investment Approach to other Portfolio Managers within the selected strategy, please refer https://www.apmiindia.org/apmi/WSIAConsolidateReport.htm?action=showReportMenu. Under PMS Provider Name please select Marcellus Investment Managers Private Limited and select your Investment Approach Name for viewing the stated disclosure. Performance data shown is net of fixed fees and expenses charged till December 31, 2024 and is net of annual performance fees (Except for Little Champs Portfolio) charged for client accounts whose account anniversary/performance calculation date falls upto the last date of this performance period. Since, for Little Champs Portfolio, performances fees are charged on cumulative gains at the third anniversary, of the respective client account, the effect of the same has been incorporated for client accounts whose third account anniversary falls upto the last date of this performance period. Performance data is not verified either by Securities and Exchange Board of India or U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
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