Consistent Compounders

Short read: The Stock Market Is Both a Voting and Weighing Machine

As an investment professional, the most often question you get asked by social acquaintances and business channel anchors alike is ‘where are markets headed?’ despite plenty of evidence that it is futile to predict stock prices in the short run. Here’s a blog that shows that not only is it impossible to predict stock prices, […]

Jan 27 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Short read: India’s middle class left stranded in a political muddle

It is well understood now that India’s middle class is suffering (see, for example, our blog: As columnist and best-selling author says in this piece in the New Indian Express: “The middle class is stranded in a political muddle between oligarchs extracting rent and parties wrenching rent for votes.” However, an even more interesting […]

Jan 27 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Long read: Artificial intelligence could transform football. So what might the future look like?

In recent years, The Athletic (now owned by NYT) has become a go-to site for sports fans globally for its very differentiated feature pieces on all things sport than just coverage of the action. Such as this piece on how AI could possibly shape the future of football. AI is becoming ubiquitous across many fields […]

Jan 27 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Long read: The story of how one family from Maharashtra built a thriving Hindustani music scene in Kanpur

In India we tend to be fond of regional stereotypes eg. the martial Sikh, the intellectual Bengali, the cunning Marwari, etc. And yet the most impactful Indians break free not just of their geographic origins, they also break free of whatever cultural stereotypes we might associate with them. In doing so, they profoundly influence the […]

Jan 27 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Long read: How Rajaraja Chola became the world’s richest king

If you have not yet been to the Brihadishvara Temple at Thanjavur, we would very strongly recommend a visit at the soonest to see one of India’s most magnificent temples. If you go on a moonlight night, the temple looks even more majestic. And if you can pull strings and see the 1500-year old paintings […]

Jan 27 . 5 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

India’s Middle Class is Losing Ground to the Rich & the Poor

The Indian middle class is losing ground not just to the super rich, but also to the poor. Over the past decade, the average annual income for the Indian middle class has stayed flat whereas that for the low-income group has grown at 4% p.a. Three sets of drivers have come together to squeeze the […]

Jan 23 . 14 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Short read: Stocks Are More Expensive Than They Used to Be. Because the Companies are So Much Better

The sustained rally in the American stock market has surprised many, raising calls of a bubble scenario or irrational exuberance. The naysayers use data points such as how whilst the American economy contributes 30% to world GDP yet its stockmarket makes up 75% of the global market capitalisation. This misses the point that some of […]

Jan 21 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Short read: How India’s food shortage filled American libraries

In this article, Soutik Biswas delves into the quirky origins of why American universities have the world’s best collections of books & manuscripts from India: “The 132-year-old University of Chicago houses more than 800,000 volumes related to South Asia, making it one of the world’s premier collections for studies on the region. But how did […]

Jan 21 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Short read: Why kids need to take more risks: science reveals the benefits of wild, free play

With increased urbanisation, we see kids over the years spending less time in free play and even lesser in the open amidst nature, and more in structured settings in somewhat protected environments. This might be one of the factors of rising mental health issues as this research shows kids with exposure to risky play grow […]

Jan 21 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Long read: The Origins Of Wokeness

Wokeness refers to an extreme form of political correctness which has gripped the world at large and the west in particular. Whilst there isn’t anything wrong with political correctness by itself, it is the enforcement of that in turn curtailing freedom of speech is what the opponents of wokeness argue. One such opponent is Paul […]

Jan 21 . 5 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Long read: The man making a business out of China’s burnout generation

This long read in The Guardian is the story of a high-flying marketing executive from China, Li Jianxiong, who had a mid-life crisis and then had to reinvent himself to survive. For middle aged professionals like Li this story feels like one that we live through every day. In that regard, Li’s rediscovery of purpose […]

Jan 21 . 7 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Long read: The audacious man behind the iconic Bombay Stock Exchange building

Mustansir Dalvi was the longest serving professor of architecture in the University of Mumbai. In this long read – which was first published in the National Herald – he reminisces about his employer, the late Chandrakant Patel, the architect behind Mumbai’s most familiar landmark, the BSE building. Mr Dalvi writes: “At the cusp of the […]

Jan 21 . 4 MIN READ

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