Consistent Compounders

The plastic backlash: what’s behind our sudden rage – and will it make a difference?

Plastic is the main background material of modern material life. “You might be surprised to learn, for instance, that today’s cars and planes are, by volume, about 50% plastic. More clothing is made out of polyester and nylon, both plastics, than cotton or wool. Plastic is also used in minute quantities as an adhesive to seal […]

Nov 25 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Have we hit Peak Finance

Published on: 19 Nov, 2018 The combination of a rising fiscal deficit & tighter monetary policy in the US is pushing the world’s risk free rate upwards thus reversing a 40-year trend of money become ever cheaper. Alongside adverse developments in global trade and politics, this could change the way we think about risk-reward tradeoffs. […]

Nov 19 . 5 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Why Amazon’s Search for a Second Headquarters Backfired

Amazon’s much publicised hunt for its second headquarters (HQ2) seems to be drawing some negative PR given the disclosures around how much of taxpayers’ money politicians are willing to fork out as incentives. “Each year, local politicians spend up to an estimated $90 billion to lure corporations like Amazon to their states, which The Atlantic points […]

Nov 18 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Banks race to launch blockchain trade platforms

“When Texas-based Tricon Energy wanted to buy Polymers from India’s Reliance Energy, the two companies avoided the usual rigmarole of phone calls, couriered documents and emails by logging into a new Blockchain system called Voltron. Within minutes they had completed negotiations of the terms of the sale and then secured a letter of credit and […]

Nov 18 . 1 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Humanity’s calling card is the destruction of our planet

Last week China controversially reinstated the trade in rhino horns. In fact, the Chinese Government decided that it is alright once again to use and trade rhino and tiger parts. Globally, there are 30,000 rhinos and 4,000 tigers in the wild. China seems to be implicitly telling the world “we need these beasts for traditional […]

Nov 18 . 1 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The girl who took women’s cricket to the next level

Harmanpreet Kaur’s 51-ball century against New Zealand in the ongoing Women’s T20 world cup, follows her spectacular 171 not out in last year’s World Cup semi-finals against Australia where she single handedly steered her team to victory. This piece in Cricinfo’s The Cricket Monthly, profiles her life and career and highlights the impact she has […]

Nov 18 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

USAID, Monsanto and the real reason behind Delhi’s horrific smoke season

For those of us who grew up in Delhi and cannot understand why smoke from Punjabi farmers burning rice stubble has become such a major source of pollution for the capital city, this story gives one interesting answer and one controversial answer. The interesting answer is this: “Until a few years ago, when farmers in […]

Nov 18 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Amma goes to school

Neuroscience has shown that the neurons in our brain gradually start dying from middle age and therefore our brain starts slowing down unless we keep it active by pushing it to learn new things. This heartwarming story from the Indian Express shows that ordinary Indians don’t need neuroscience to tell them such things. They figured […]

Nov 18 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The role of Outsiders in investing

Published on: 11 Nov, 2018 The success of non-establishment figures in reshaping the investment landscape in America over the past 40 years gives India a useful template. The outsiders have already made their mark in the VC and PE space in India. Now such thinkers seem likely to make their mark in the public market […]

Nov 11 . 6 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

As Moore’s law fades, computing seeks a new dimension

Moore’s law, named after Gordon Moore, the founder of Intel, implied computing power would double every two years. This did hold true for 40years contributing immensely to availability of computing power to enterprises and individuals alike and the consequent gains in productivity. However, this law hasn’t kept pace in the recent past fazed by physical […]

Nov 11 . 1 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

How a Welsh schoolgirl disrupted the publishing world

In 2011, Beth Reeks a 15-year old Welsh schoolgirl decided to write a teenage romantic novel. So after finishing her homework, she would stay up all night writing her novel. Then she chose a “route to market” which was unique. Rather than hiring a literary agent to find a publisher, she posted three chapters of […]

Nov 11 . 1 MIN READ

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