Consistent Compounders

How the Surprise New Interactive Black Mirror Came Together

For the uninitiated, Black Mirror is a futuristic series on Netflix about the dark side of mankind’s advances in technology. In reality, the biggest horror is from the fact that what was considered futuristic in its earlier seasons are already playing out in the real world. But this article is about television’s next step – […]

Dec 30 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

How McKinsey has helped raise the stature of authoritarian Governments?

This year McKinsey’s annual retreat for its busy consultants was in Kashgar in China, a country which McKinsey, like many other MNCs, believes is important for its future. “About four miles from where the McKinsey consultants discussed their work, which includes advising some of China’s most important state-owned companies, a sprawling internment camp had sprung up […]

Dec 30 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Why you should care about the Nate Silver vs. Nassim Taleb Twitter war

In case you have not heard about Nate Silver, here is the bluffer’s guide. “Nate Silver is the co-founder of FiveThirtyEight. A massively popular data focused blog that gained fame for its accuracy predicting the outcomes for the U.S. elections in 2008. Silver generates predictions using a clever poll aggregating technique which accounts for biases, such […]

Dec 30 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Grand Fortunes and the Illusion of Competition

Published on: 28 Dec, 2018 Through the ages, the greatest and most lasting fortunes have been built on the back of commercial opportunism allied with the willingness to bend the rule of the law repeatedly & ruthlessly. The Medicis in Italy, the Mitsui in Japan and JP Morgan in America are exemplars of this template […]

Dec 28 . 9 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

What Our Elitist Reaction to the Zomato Delivery Man Tells Us About Our Lack of Empathy

A video uploaded on Twitter showed a Zomato delivery rider eating the customer’s order before proceeding with his delivery. This lead to Zomato users reacting with rage – ‘how could the rider do this?’ they asked. Predictably, the rider was fired. The author says that the incident highlights the growing disparity in Indian society. The […]

Dec 23 . 1 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

FT big read – India: The most polluted place on earth

This graphics rich FT article shows why those who live in India (especially those of us who are raising our children in India) need to be alive to the biggest threat to public health in this country. “The FT collated NASA satellite data of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), a key standard for measuring air quality, […]

Dec 23 . 1 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Blade sets course for congested cities in India

  Blade, a helicopter rides app, is expanding into India, its first non-US market. Blade has done some number crunching which shows what those of us stuck in traffic jams in Mumbai have known all our lives: “Constrained by its peninsular geography, Mumbai is India’s most congested city, with about 1500 registered vehicles per kilometre […]

Dec 23 . 1 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

How to avoid burnout this Christmas

Looking for a New Year’s resolution? Embrace aimlessness, suggests Josh Cohen, a psychoanalyst and professor of modern literary theory at Goldsmiths, University of London. In this piece which is a brief introduction to his upcoming book ‘Not Working: Why We Have to Stop’, Josh explores the paradoxical pleasures of inactivity. Josh starts with the typical […]

Dec 23 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Passive attack: the story of a Wall Street revolution

For those interested in knowing everything about arguably the greatest financial innovation of the past century – passive investing, this piece delivers it – from the origins to mass market commercialisation to the risks it might pose in the future. A balanced piece with some gems from the man himself, John Bogle, the founder of […]

Dec 23 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

FT Big read – Agritech – Disrupters take root

A variety of Silicon Valley funded start-ups are bringing a range of innovations to bear upon the US farm sector with the goal of improving technology at the start of the food chain and “enhance the earning power of those working the land.” For example, Farmers Business Network (FBN) founded by Amol Deshpande (ex Kleiner […]

Dec 23 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Your memory will determine how much money you make

Published on: 20 Dec, 2018 Memory in all its avatars (perception, projection, intelligence) plays a big role in how we invest. The fragility of our memories (both in the sense of how quickly they fade and in the sense of how susceptible to manipulation they are) suggests that we need to be careful with how […]

Dec 20 . 8 MIN READ

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