Consistent Compounders

Two’s Are Now Underestimated – The Mikan Drill For Stocks

This is an interesting and rewarding long read from an investment advisory firm in Houston. The article uses the stats & the history of professional basketball in the US to draw analogies for stockmarket investing. The article appeals to us for the implications it has for our style of investing in well known, widely held […]

Apr 14 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Marcellus: India’s Real Economic Dynamo – The Internal Migrant

Published on: 12 April, 2019 Over the last 40 years, India has seen the largest internal migration that any country has witnessed in any era. Even on conservative assumptions, India’s 100 million internal migrants are sending ‘home’ vast sums of money, eight times larger than the Government of India’s healthcare and education budgets combined. “Work-related […]

Apr 12 . 6 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Mindfulness meditation in America has a capitalism problem

As scores of people across the world take to meditation as a tool to enhance mental health, this interview with David Forbes, a professor at Brooklyn college, brings out how even this could be falling prey to capitalism. Calm, a popular mobile app used for meditation is already a unicorn (valued at over a billion […]

Apr 07 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Why Eating Meat Was Banned in Japan for Centuries

Whilst India goes through its own debate over beef, it is intriguing to know that for over 12 centuries, meat eating was considered taboo in Japan. This may come across as a surprise to some people who have found Japan to be the haven for quality beef or have seen other unconventional meat on menus […]

Apr 07 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

In Kolkata, home is where the drama is

Kolkata is witnessing a new type of theatre. Called site-specific theatre, these are plays which are staged in the city’s grand old homes. “Site-specific theatre, a term that The Guardian says has been gaining traction since the 1980s, refers to productions that are not in the traditional theatre space but grow out of the sites where […]

Apr 07 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The Chinese takeover of Indian app ecosystem

Chinese mobile handset manufacturers dominating the Indian mobile devices market was not surprising given their dominance in manufacturing but Chinese apps taking over the Indian app ecosystem is a big surprise for many. Five out of the top 10 mobile apps in India are Chinese. Few reasons for the spectacular success of Chinese: deep pockets […]

Apr 07 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The World’s Cheapest Hospital Has to Get Even Cheaper

The article begins with a description of Dr Devi Shetty, the founder & promoter of Narayana Hrudayalaya – a chain of heart centres and multi-specialty hospitals – performing a complicated heart surgery. “…pulmonary thromboendarterectomy, the surgery Shetty performed, can tie up an operating room for most of a day. In the U.S., the procedure can cost […]

Apr 07 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

DE Shaw: inside Manhattan’s ‘Silicon Valley’ hedge fund

In 1988, David Shaw, a computer science professor in Columbia University created a small company above a bookshop – Revolution Books – in New York City. That startup is today one of the largest hedge funds in the world – DE Shaw has US$50bn of assets under management. It is the fourth highest grossing hedge […]

Apr 07 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Marcellus: The Foundations of Self-Belief

Published on: 5 April, 2019 Self-belief is known to be a magical catalyst with a proven track record of delivering transformational results in sport, in business and in investing. The roots of self-belief lie as much in the environment in which an individual finds herself in as in the innate characteristics she’s born with. “The […]

Apr 05 . 6 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

‘Doing nothing’ is perhaps the most difficult thing to do

Buying the Consistent Compounders and holding them for long time periods becomes a difficult exercise asinvestors are bombarded with newsflow and the apprehensions which come with newsflow. As a result,investors tend to do injustice to the size of their allocation to the Consistent Compounders and the length of the holding period of this portfolio. The solution […]

Apr 01 . 9 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

How Instagram Replaced the Contacts List

Technology is changing the way we interact and communicate with each other and Instagram is fast becoming the preferred mode for millennials to interact with the world. With over a billion monthly Instagram users, people are preferring to exchange their Instagram handle rather than exchanging their mobile number. Taylor points to various advantages of using […]

Mar 31 . 5 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Can India provide water for all by 2030?

India draws a third of its water from aquifers. However, these aquifers are depleting at a rapid rate. “Most of the world’s water systems that keep the ecosystems thriving and feed a growing human population are under severe stress. The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in its report, Global Wetland Outlook: State of World’s Wetlands and their […]

Mar 31 . 3 MIN READ

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