Consistent Compounders

Gandhi at 150: Icon immortalised in special New York Times crossword, made by Indian

We are fond of stories which describe the ascent made by Indians from modest origins. If such stories narrate quirky success stories then so much the better. Mangesh Ghogre’s success belongs to this category. Over the past 15 years, this engineering graduate from Panvel, a suburb of Mumbai, has become one of the leading crossword […]

Nov 03 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Be Humble, and Proudly, Psychologists Say

It is often said that in the world of investing, the most important personality trait for success is humility, especially the intellectual kind – defined as an awareness of one’s limitations of knowledge and understanding of the world. However, it is also often the hardest to sustain given the job requires one to demonstrate enough […]

Nov 03 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Mumbai and Kolkata face the wrath of sea-level rise

Just as a surprise burst of showers sent Mumbaikars scrambling around on Friday, you could hear Axl Rose, Slash and co belting out November Rain in your mind only to be interrupted by the cab driver ranting about how we have brought all this upon ourselves by felling trees and building a concrete mess. This coincided with […]

Nov 03 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

How Do You Like We Now

This epic takedown of WeWork will go down in the history of journalism as one of the defining pieces which captured the craziness of the post-QE world. Matt Levine has written a rip-roaring piece designed to enliven even the most down-at-heel start-up owner. The article begins on a business-like note: “A lot of kids starting at […]

Nov 03 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The Lenders In Our Portfolio Will Gain From The Ongoing Crisis

  Great lenders (banks as well as NBFCs), which are Consistent Compounders, benefit significantly in the aftermath of a financial crisis. This is because: (a) when the competition struggles to raise funds during & after a crisis, great lenders have access to adequate liquidity; and (b) as competition’s ability to lend reduces, great lenders can […]

Nov 01 . 15 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The many beginnings of Diwali

If over a billion people on the planet are going to be revelling in in festivities over the next three days, it is worth finding out the history behind this. And who better to help us understand the historical significance of Diwali, the festival of lights, than Manu Pillai, arguably the best Indian historian of […]

Oct 27 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Google CEO Sundar Pichai on achieving quantum supremacy

It is almost a century since Niels Bohr won the Nobel Prize for his work in quantum physics. Whilst applications from his work have emerged across diverse fields and solved real world problems, quantum computing has been a mega promise yet to see real world applications. From that perspective, Google’s announcement this week that their […]

Oct 27 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Napster paved the way for streaming-reliant music industry

Spotify has been Godsend for music lovers across the world, especially given its ability to machine learn your music taste and push stuff that you didn’t know existed but you would absolutely love. But little is known about how Daniel Ek, its founder, was inspired by an equally loved online music service called Napster. If […]

Oct 27 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The US has fewer than 400 statues of women—but that’s changing

Women are not only smashing the glass ceiling in the corporate world but also apparently in the world of statues. Women have always been given a raw deal in a male dominated society and capturing the important role they have played in the past through the means of statues also shows our society’s apathy towards […]

Oct 27 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

NBA exec: ‘It’s the dirty little secret that everybody knows about’

Many of us who endure long commutes and work in businesses where frequent air travel is a must know a thing or two about sleep deprivation. But very few of us understand the full effects of sleep deprivation on our bodies & minds. The ESPN article on players in the American NBA therefore becomes required […]

Oct 27 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Airbnb and Uber are chalk and cheese

Uber and Airbnb were both founded around a decade ago and most of us think of them as being synonymous of the gig economy where millions of vendors sell their wares via asset-light platforms who act as a shopfront. However, “As Airbnb prepares to go public next year, its boss, Brian Chesky, has been making […]

Oct 27 . 2 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Diwali Special: Learning From Creative People At Work

20 years ago twelve American academics published a collection of studies tracing the intellectual development of giants like Einstein, Darwin, Faraday, Lavoisier, Beethoven and Wordsworth. This intense study of creative people yields rich leanings. At the core of creativity is a heavy duty memory, a multiplicity of projects, stimulating company and a willingness to work […]

Oct 24 . 13 MIN READ

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