Consistent Compounders

The Indian megacity digging a million wells

Most of us know that Bangalore has a water-scarcity issue as it is one of India’s few large cities not to be situated adjacent to a major river. We have also heard that Bangalore’s deep groundwater is running out. As this piece from the BBC says, “The Cauvery River is a lifeline to the city, supplying […]

Jun 13 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Little Champs Doubled Their Free Cashflow in FY21

Marcellus’ Little Champs portfolio witnessed revenue growth of 31% YoY and PBT growth of 51% YoY in 4QFY21 (vs 13% and 36% respectively in 3QFY21). More impressively, the Little Champs companies more than DOUBLED their average free cash flow in FY21 (despite continuing to invest heavily in expansion) thanks to cost controls, working capital management […]

Jun 08 . 7 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

The Brain-Changing Magic of New Experiences

Many of us are craving to visit new places, for a more active social life meeting new people and in general experiencing new things in life. Whilst some of us have been fortunate to experience novelty by seeing the same things in our everyday life in a new way, as the author of this piece […]

Jun 06 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

How the World Ran Out of Everything

Plenty has been written about the supply constraints the world is facing during the pandemic – semiconductor chips to shipping containers, chemicals to car parts. This piece however, brings to light the role of ‘Just In Time’ manufacturing as a cause for this supply disruption. The huge benefits of a lean and mean supply chain and hence […]

Jun 06 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

How Amateur Sleuths Broke the Wuhan Lab Story and Embarrassed the Media

The internet has become a massive force of decentralisation impacting several facets of human life. DeFi or Decentralised Finance is hogging the limelight for attempting to take money and everything related to money away from the authorities’ influence. But there are many other areas not obvious to us which are being swept by the force […]

Jun 06 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Stay On The Road Less Travelled

Nowadays everybody has heard about ARK and the cool stuff they are doing in the US. However, just as extraordinary – both in terms of performance and in terms of investment philosophy – is Baillie Gifford’s Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust (SMIT). Based in cold, grey Edinburgh – rather than California – Baillie Gifford is one […]

Jun 06 . 7 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

How to operate

This is a power packed 46 minute video that we enjoyed watching. The presenter is Keith Rabois who was part of the celebrated team which built PayPal over 20 years ago (Peter Thiel and Elon Musk were part of the same team with Thiel being the boss). The subject of the presentation is how to […]

Jun 06 . 5 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

India’s Greatest Cash Generation Machines Keep Compounding

Marcellus’ CCP Portfolio delivered earnings growth of 74% YoY in 4QFY21 which led to a 11% earnings growth for the full year FY21, almost fully offsetting the drag from nation-wide lockdowns during April and May last year (2020). Unlike the trend for the broader market, CCP portfolio companies’ earnings growth was supported by a strong […]

Jun 01 . 7 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Here’s the Fastest Way to Board an Airplane (So Why Does Nobody Use It?)

Among the many fallacies we live with, one is about airlines’ motive for our aircraft boarding sequence. One would assume customer satisfaction or efficiency (from shorter boarding times and turnaround) as the logical motives. But as this article points out, it seems to be neither but indeed the ubiquitous theme of revenue maximisation through seat […]

May 30 . 3 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Speaking with Katy Milkman about “How to Change”

Katy Milkman – who is said to be a ‘pioneering scientist’ – “is the codirector of Behavior Change for Good (BCFG), an interdisciplinary initiative that studies how to achieve sustainable behavior change at scale.” Ms Milkman has recently published a book titled “How to Change”. As per this article, the book “offers simple yet profound insights about why […]

May 30 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Vaccicorns: An improbable rescue mission

Over the past decade we have learnt a lot from watching the good folks at Nalanda Capital invest. In this blog one of their team members, Anand Sridharan, writing in his personal capacity provides some great insights into why two pharma businesses which none of us had heard about 18 months ago – Moderna and […]

May 30 . 4 MIN READ
Consistent Compounders

Stanley Druckenmiller: ‘The greatest investors make large concentrated bets where they have a lot of conviction

This week we feature investing lessons from the legendary Stanley Druckenmiller, who in this free wheeling yet insightful interview with The Hustle, talks about everything from position sizing and taking concentrated bets to the tech bubble and Bitcoin. The article introduces him as:“Stanley Druckenmiller is widely considered one of the greatest investors ever.Born in Pittsburgh […]

May 30 . 3 MIN READ

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